TAI CHI For Seniors & People On The Go

What Is Tai Chi?

Tai Chi is a series of slow, continuous movements. With this moving meditation, you can learn to relax the mind and body.

There are many health benefits associated with Tai Chi including improved balance, flexibility, blood circulation and muscle strength.

Tai Chi is a gentle exercise consisting of a sequence of flowing movements that challenge your body and improve your overall fitness.

Tai Chi For Seniors

Tai Chi can be, and is, practiced by people of all ages, but is especially ideal for seniors.

As we age, our sense of balance, flexibility, mobility, bone mass and self-confidence diminish. Tai Chi can be a countermeasure to these difficulties.

Over the past 20 years, I have developed a method specifically for seniors.

My approach to teaching demystifies Tai Chi for seniors by slowly dissecting and repeating the graceful moves, leading students to develop self-confidence and an enjoyment of this beautiful Chinese art.

People who are positive that they are unable to execute certain moves requiring balance, such as standing on one foot, soon realize that they are able to do so.

The time spent doing Tai Chi is refuge from one's day to day stresses and problems, but as students have discovered, the benefits are much more far-reaching and fulfilling.

Tai Chi For People On The Go

Life today is very hectic. People work long hours. There are lots of stresses. Everyone needs balance in their lives, a moment to de-stress and nurture their minds and bodies.

Tai Chi can be the tool to lead to relaxation and de-stressing, while simultaneously challenging your body and improving your overall fitness.

My approach to teaching takes into account the needs of the students and their level of fitness, helping them to attain that important balance in their lives.

Tai Chi Classes

Tai Chi Information

Below are some links to external sources providing more extensive information about Tai Chi.