I have been interested in mind, body and spirit health for many years, starting especially when I became pregnant with my first of two children.

I slowly learned about what small and big things I could do to present my family with healthy food, modifying our diets to our specific needs. There was a balance of practical and healthy solutions.

Eventually, I realized I needed more in my life, which meant finding something to fulfill my need to be more physically active. It was at this point that my interest in martial arts was re-ignited. I took a summer course in Jiu-Jitsu, but found that it was the gentle martial art of Tai Chi that offered the balance I needed. I began taking courses and, soon after, started to assist in teaching classes as I grew more enthusiastic about the benefits of practicing this art. I saw it as a perfect aid to seniors, in particular, who were facing all kinds of challenges.

Twenty years later, I am still teaching Tai Chi, modifying moves to the 20 minute set depending on the needs of my students. It has been most interesting, rewarding and enjoyable leading people in this exercise and social activity. I have taught in recreation centers, to condo groups, Parkinson's groups, retreats for young people, individuals, women's groups and given many demonstrations.

I have also been playing badminton regularly for almost as many years as I have been practicing Tai Chi. A few years ago, I developed foot pain which, after several months, grew worse. After engaging with traditional and several non-traditional modalities to relieve me of this growing pain in the souls of my feet, I discovered Bowen Therapy through a student from my Parkinson's Tai Chi group. This therapy sounded like the right fit for me. "Triggering the body to heal itself" was what first intrigued me and seemed to fit my own philosophy. After only five one-hour sessions over five weeks, I was relieved of my pain. About a year later, I began to study this therapy. I have always had a very strong need to help people, especially those in any kind of pain. Bowen Therapy was the thing I had been looking for as the tool to do just that.

I have discovered that balance is truly necessary to lead a healthy and happy life. Tai Chi aids in achieving that balance both physically and mentally, while Bowen Therapy, coupled with a healthy lifestyle, will help to achieve your best, balanced you.

I am fortunate to have found Tai Chi and Bowen Therapy. I have enhanced my life and found tools to lead people to better health. I look forward to meeting new people, so I can introduce them to these two wonderful things.

Contact Info

Located in Gatineau (Aylmer), QC
Serving Gatineau and Ottawa

Phone: (613) 850-1669

E-mail: 1abbiehealth@gmail.com

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